Friday, December 2, 2011

Green Forest Is Living Memories?

Forest on earth may live 40%, mostly in use for mankind. Whether human nature is human greed has been so crazy, so do not ignore the future of his descendants. I am still very long for a green forest with a variety of plants and animals in it.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Love Nature Green

Green grass with different kinds of trees and animals in the wild are now very difficult for us to meet in the middle of town. Terrain to play young son around the village are very difficult to meet, we often see now is the forest-rise buildings towering in the sky.

Concerned at the nature

I created this blog because of my concern for the environment are now getting damaged and lead to extinction of some plants and animals.

Besides the destruction of nature makes the weather changed significantly, resulting in natural bancana which resulted in damage to infrastructure on Earth.